Sri Lanka Introduces AI and Mixed Reality-Enhanced Connected Ambulance Service

In Sri Lanka, an innovative connected ambulance service, empowered by artificial intelligence and mixed reality, has been launched. This advanced emergency service, known as 1990 Suwa Seriya, has collaborated with Singapore-based health tech firm Mediwave to incorporate their comprehensive emergency response technologies.

The suite offered by Mediwave revolutionizes emergency services by digitalizing processes, including the generation of electronic health records through AI-enabled speech-to-text technology. It also facilitates remote medical assistance using tools like the Microsoft HoloLens for augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Medical Things. This suite has also been introduced in Malaysia recently.

This advancement is significant.

Through this partnership, 1990 Suwa Seriya’s emergency medical technicians (EMTs) received training in AR simulations provided by Mediwave. This training allowed them to virtually engage with doctors at the emergency command center, monitor critical health indicators, and offer advanced medical aid during transit to the hospital.

Mediwave reports that these EMTs achieved an impressive response time of 11 minutes and 38 seconds, outperforming standards in some developed nations. The World Health Organization recommends an emergency response time under eight minutes. In the U.S., the legally mandated response time is 10 minutes for urban areas and 30 minutes for rural regions. London sets a goal of 14-10 minutes for 95% of emergency calls.

However, response time standards vary globally. A study reviewing global data noted that Asia leads with the shortest median emergency response time of seven minutes compared to other continents.

“Our national emergency ambulance service operates a fleet of 322 ambulances. Our commitment extends to expanding this service further with life-enhancing technology to make emergency healthcare accessible,” Sri Lanka Health Minister Dr Ramesh Pathirana commented on the connected ambulance launch. 

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